The getting back to the routine is not easy. After a summer that is always short, returning to the office can be a very complicated task. Messages to answer, meetings that could be an email… but your head is still on the beach. .
Therefore, and as we know that the post-holiday syndrome is real, we tell you all the long weekends and holidays that remain in the Valencian Community this 2024 so you can go preparing your next getaway..
Between now and the end of the year we will have two long weekends, since All Saints and Constitution Day fall on Friday, and two mid-week holidays. We know that the latter do not feel as good as a three-day weekend, but they are ideal for getting to know corners of the city that you have never visited before.
These are the long weekends and holidays in the Valencian Community 2024:
- October 9 (Day of the Valencian Community): Wednesday.
- 12 October (National Day of Spain): Saturday.
- November 1 (All Saints Day): Friday.
- October 12 (Spanish National Holiday): Saturday.
- December 6 (Constitution Day): Friday.
- December 6 (Constitution Day): Friday.
- Saturday.
- December 25 (Nativity of the Lord): Wednesday.