The Consell has approved this Tuesday the decree law that extends the free transport for young people and 50% discounts on multi-journey tickets and temporary season tickets, as well as the new card “Recuperem València” for the municipalities most affected by the floods of last October 29.
This new decree law has been approved to avoid a temporary interruption of this benefit for the citizens of the Comunitat Valenciana, details the Consell in a statement, and after the repeal of the decree law that regulated this aid at the state level.
The validity of both measures, both discounts and free of charge, will be until June 30, 2025, when the conditions of a possible extension, co-financed by the central government or autonomous character, will be reviewed again.
“If state aid for passenger transport is approved, by means of a resolution of the Conselleria, the discounts established in the present decree law will be modified and the necessary conditions will be established to link the application of the discounts to what is established in the State regulations”, they add.
People under 31 years of age who do not yet have this free season ticket can apply for it through the website of the Metropolitan Transport Authority of Valencia, Metrovalencia or TRAM d’Alacant, accessing the appointment section.
Holders of these passes will be able to enjoy the benefits of the extension approved by the Generalitat without having to carry out any formalities during the first few weeks. However, in the coming months it will be mandatory for young users to update their card.
Dana card
The new “Recuperem València” card for the municipalities most affected by the floods will be valid for one year and can be requested at the town halls of the affected towns.
It is expected to be operational in mid-February.
The Government will approve today a new decree of aid for transport
The central Government will approve this Tuesday in Council of Ministers a new “omnibus” decree with a battery of measures similar to the one repealed last week in the Congress. This will include the 30% transport subsidies for autonomous regions and local governments and the return of the free Cercanías travel passes.
According to El País, this new measure would have the support of Junts in Congress, where within 30 days the norm must be endorsed and thus avoid a repeal like the one last Wednesday.
This Wednesday the new rule has been definitively published in the Official State Gazette.