The conseller of Environment, Infrastructure and Territory, Vicente Martínez Mus, has advanced this Monday, January 27, the 31 municipalities affected by the dana that will be able to apply for the free transport pass for 2025.
After a meeting held with mayors and representatives of the different municipalities, it has been confirmed that the cards will be delivered in the same municipalities to facilitate access to the neighbors.
These cards will allow that, in addition to the shuttle buses already available and free, the residents of the affected towns travel at zero cost in Metrovalencia, Cercanías, EMT, Metrobus and regional buses.
For this, all municipalities and neighborhoods adhered to this plan must have more than 5% of registered vehicles affected by the dana.
The card will be available soon for the residents of Sedaví, Paiporta, Massanassa, Alfafar, Llocnou de la Corona, Benetússer, Picanya, Catarroja, Algemesí, Beniparrell, Aldaia, L’Alcúdia, Albal, Guadassuar, Riba-roja de Túria, Alaquàs, Sot de Chera, Riola, Chiva, Loriguilla, Cheste, Catadau, Pedralba, Utiel, Llombai, Montserrat, Godelleta, Quart de Poblet, Xirivella, Benicull de Xúquer and Gestalgar, as well as in neighborhoods affected by the floods even though most of the municipalities have not been affected.
The conditions and deadlines have not yet been published.