Your guide to the best in art and culture: exhibits, plays, musicals and concerts. Check what’s on at Valencia galleries, museums, cinemas and theaters.
The candlelight concert series, Candlelight, illuminates the city with new tributes and exquisite repertoires. The best live music in tribute to the great milestones of classical and contemporary music will sound within...
Around November 1 and the end of October, many cultures, not only North American, celebrate the arrival of cold and autumn. These holidays are usually surrounded by monsters and scary stories, which frighten not only th...
Valencia’ s cultural agenda is loaded with novelties for 2024. Throughout the year, museums and galleries in the city will offer different exhibitions, ranging from ancient Egypt to the most impressive works of So...
There is less time left for October 9, the day of the Valencian Community. During this day, to commemorate the entry of Jaume I to the city of Valencia,…...
Going to galleries or museums is a very personal thing. Everyone has their own tastes and not all exhibitions are equally liked. That’s why we bring you a compilation of the best exhibitions in Valencia so that wh...
What can we say about Sorolla… no matter how hard we try, we will always fall short when trying to describe what his waves, clothes in the wind or fishermen’s nets convey. His line, with the light and colors...
The easiest way to access culture is when it moves to the streets and squares of the city to fill them with life. An example of this is “Cultura a les pedaníes”, a festival that will land in the…...
Lovers of the strange, do conventional art museums fall short for you? Are you looking for something more than paintings and statues? If so, you are in luck, because in Valencia we have a few…...
Strolling through galleries, seeing exhibitions or simply discovering new forms of art is usually an activity that we all want to do but we find it…...