Valencia has taken a liking to immersive experiences. We don’t know when it started, but we do know that new activities that are worthwhile are constantly appearing. A different plan, a gift for the whole family… Immerse yourself in the stories happening in Valencia this 2024:
Tutankhamun, the immersive experience
If anything defines Tutankamon, the immersive experience is the latest technology. Surround sound, virtual reality and artificial intelligence transport you to the discovery of the pharaoh’s tomb. Each room relives a key moment in history, and you can even see close-up replicas of iconic artifacts such as the famous golden mask.
Location: Bombas Gens. Centre d’Arts Digitals
Whether you are passing through or you are a resident, the center of Valencia will always hide secrets that only Virtual Reality can reveal. And no, we are not talking about secrets literally, but augmented reality through your phone will make a tour of the historic center of Valencia become a real journey into the past in no other way you could do.
From Roman origins to medieval secrets, you’ll tour iconic sites such as the Cathedral of Valencia, the Palace of the Generalitat, the Lonja de la Seda and more, while discovering fascinating tales of macabre barbershops, mysterious gargoyles and the Holy Grail.
Location: Plaça de la Verge, 4
Dates: Monday to Sunday
Tickets: from 29 €.
The people of Candlelight are magical concerts and so is the atmosphere they recreate. Thousands of candles will illuminate throughout 2023 spaces such as the Westin Hotel, the Ateneo Mercantil or the Church of the Jesuits to listen to live tribute concerts to great musical artists such as Joan Manuel Serrat, Ennio Morricone, Ludovico Einaudi or Vivaldi.
Zero Latency
More than a year ago Zero Latency opened in Valencia, specifically in L’Eliana, the most advanced virtual reality center in the world. Zero Latency is a space where you can face zombies with your friends with the realism provided by the glasses and weapons connected to this virtual reality experience.
Hidden Evidence
The Coven Carmen becomes a crime scene with ‘Hidden Evidence’ and its immersive mystery game. Here attendees will work as real detectives, delving into the heart of a cult and solving a crime. Hidden clues, interrogations and much more.
We Call It Ballet
Technology does have a place in the traditional. This is how We Call It Ballet fuses dance with innovation: the dancers are the source of light on stage, with costumes and dresses illuminated with LED lights creating an unprecedented visual phenomenon in this city. This optical effect makes you immerse yourself in the classic Sleeping Beauty as never before, where darkness is allied to multiply the emotions that Tchaikovsky planned when he composed the work. The play takes place at the Teatro Flumen (Carrer de Gregori Gea, 15) and you can get your tickets here.
Location: Teatro Flumen (Carrer de Gregori Gea, 15)
Dates: until December 18th (with more dates to be announced soon).
Tickets: from 23€.