Valencia City Council announced Wednesday that it has already awarded the contract for the drafting of four projects to improve the cycling network in the districts of Jesus, l’Olivereta, Quatre Carreres and Rascanya. These initiatives, proposed by citizens and approved in the participatory budgets DecidimVLC 2020-2021, will modify the width of some lanes, and will lower to roadway others that currently circulate on the sidewalk.
As explained by Jesús Carbonell, councilor for Mobility, the planned actions include the extension of the bike lane on Carteros street, the improvement of the cycling connections of Alfauir avenue with Primado Reig, and the transfer to the roadway of sections of the bike lane on Burgos street and Avenida de la Plata, at the height of Sapadors and Amado Granell Mesado. This last change will make it possible to recover space for pedestrians.
The company in charge of drafting the projects, Solucions Civils i Tècniques S.L.L., will carry out the work with a budget of 16,577 euros (VAT included) and an execution period of four months. Once this phase is completed, the City Council will award the construction projects for the improvements and modifications of these cycle routes.