More than heat waves, tropical nights above 20 ºC are almost worse . Although Valencia is not on alert for the heat wave that will hit some areas of the valleys and the interior of the Peninsula from Friday, the Conselleria de Sanitat has updated Thursday temperature forecasts by municipality in the Valencia Community through the tool Meteoclim.
This page allows you to know the alert level for a given municipality, both day and night, on a daily basis. Thus, one can project whether to sleep with the air conditioner on, the fan on, or any home remedy to alleviate the heat.
The system levels are red, orange, yellow and Verde (no risk), in decreasing order of severity, for daytime temperatures. For the nocturnal ones, a shade of purple and magenta is used to detect nights above 25 ºC, known as equatorial.
In addition, this tool incorporates a municipalities selector that allows to know in detail the heat forecast and provides recommendations for coping with it.