Buying a house in Favara is 88% more expensive than a year ago. In Paiporta, 48%. And in Xeresa 47% more than just a year ago. These are the data published by the real estate portal Fotocasa, which in its latest monthly report for July 2024 includes these 3 municipalities in the province of Valencia among the 10 where the price of housing to buy has increased the most.
While Canals, in the Costera region, is one of the cheapest to buy a house 678€/m2, in these 3 municipalities prices per square meter range from 1,300 to 1,950 euros.
Overall, in 88% of the 50 provinces analyzed, the year-on-year price of housing rose in July. In Valencia this increase is 10.7%.
The ranking of municipalities with the highest price increases also includes other Valencian municipalities such as Dolores and El Verger, in Alicante (+70% and +50%) and Cabanes, in Castellón (+60%).
Overall, the price per square meter in the Valencia Region in July 2024 is 1,945 euros, 17% less than the national average, but an increase of 14% compared to prices in 2023.
All the complete data on this Fotocasa report can be consulted at this link.