The Valencian supermarket chain Family Cash is the cheapest supermarket in Valencia, according to the latest study published by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) in September 2023.
The hypermarket chain is also one of the seven most economical options in Spain, according to the organization’s latest report. In 2021, the same publication identified this chain’s establishment in Burjassot as the cheapest in the city.
Family Cash stands out for its adjusted prices in the fresh produce section, according to the OCU. Family Cash is one of the largest supermarket chains in the Valencian Community, together with Mercadona and Consum.
In contrast to its rivals, Family Cash focuses on the structure of a hypermarket, offering food products and bazaar, where you can find everything from toys to household items, gardening or clothing.
In Valencia, Family Cash is already present in municipalities such as Valencia, where by the end of 2023 opened its first store with over 2,000m2 of floor space alquería de la Comtessa, Ontinyent, Torrent, Burjassot, Sagunt, Gandía, Xàtiva, Alzira, Pobla de Vallbona, Museros, Carcaixent and Llanera de Ranes.
The OCU supermarket survey classifies the most popular supermarket chains according to their price. The OCU estimates, according to this study, that it is possible to save more than 1,000 euros per year, depending on the chain and area selected for the purchase.