Free pizza for everyone next Thursday afternoon , February 6. Telepizza will be giving away 400 slices in each of its stores participating in this promotion for Pizza Day, which will be celebrated next Sunday, February 9, all over the world.
In total, 400 participating stores will give away 50 family pizzas during regular store opening hours.
Not all stores are enrolled in this promotion, so here is a list of the Telepizza stores that WILL be giving away free pizza this Thursday. Delivery is limited to one slice of pizza per person.
Valencia stores participating in the promotion:
- Alboraya: San Isidro Labrador, 2 corner San Pancracio.
- Cullera: José Burguera corner Barcelona.
- Gandia: Avenida Grao, 62.
- La Pobla de Farnals: Estatuto de Autonomía, 9.
- L’Alcúdia: Avinguda d’Antoni Almela, 88.
- Massanassa: Partida del Divendres Avenue, on the corner of Camino del Cid.
- Oliva: Manuel Broseta, 44, corner of Paseo de Gregori Maians.
- Paiporta: Luis Dubón, 9, on the corner of Carretera Picanya.
- Picassent: Avenida del Norte, 21.
- Valencia (Alguer): Alguer, 23.
- Valencia (Carteros): Carteros, 73, corner Primero de Mayo.
- Valencia (Cortes): Avenida de les Corts Valencianes, 17.
- Valencia (Juan XXIII): Calle Riu Bidasoa, 65, corner of Juan XXIII.
- Valencia (Primado): Avenida Primado Reig, 111.
- Valencia (Serrería): Serrería, 4.
- Valencia (Waksman): Ausiàs March Avenue, 1, on the corner of Doctor Waksman.
- Xàtiva: Avenida Selgas, 26.
In 2024, more than 30 million Telepizza pizzas were consumed in Spain, especially the Barbacoa, the most demanded throughout the year.