In an effort to revitalize the local hospitality industry after the ravages caused by the last dana in October, Valencia already has its first initiative aimed at making visible and supporting the bars with lunch service that have reopened after the dana.
Lunch, one of the most deeply rooted traditions in the Valencian Community, is the catalyst that Esmorzavant is looking for to fill these establishments again.
To do this, the initiative has developed a Google Maps where the bars that have reopened after the storm in the affected areas are registered. This collaborative map, where anyone can make their contributions, already exceeds 80 bars with confirmed reopening.
In addition, Esmorzavant has an Instagram account (@EsmorzAvant), where visits to the affected premises are documented, both by the promoters of the initiative and by supportive customers.
For more information and collaboration, you can visit the Instagram profile of @EsmorzAvant.