Poblats Marítims, with 148 warnings, Quatre Carreres (127) and Camins al Grau (97) were the 3 districts that registered the most warnings for cockroaches in 2024. The least, Poblats del Nord, with a total of 18.
The Health and Consumer Service of the City Council of Valencia has published this Thursday the data of 2024 with regard to pest control in the city and orchard of Valencia.
The consistory has detected a decrease of 11%, throughout 2024, in the number of warnings from citizens due to the presence of pests in urban and orchard areas of the city. “The first thing to say is that the pests are controlled,” said Thursday the councilman of Health, José Gosálbez.
In 2024, according to data from the city council, 1,390 warnings have been for cockroaches, 50% of the total; 1,022 for rats, which is 37%; 208 were for mosquitoes, 7.5% and 154, 5.6% of the total, for other insects.
Although Valencia recognizes to be on the path of decreasing cockroach warnings, currently does not have one of the most effective treatments to combat the pest. “From the municipal services are working hard to have the right product for it, after the damage suffered by the manufacturing company because of the floods generated by the dana of last October 29, 2024,” explains the city council in a statement.
Levante-EMV, in its digital edition, details that the company in question is located in Paiporta, and is in the reconstruction phase of its facilities after the dana. “The manufacturer, which has already received the permits to resume production of the insecticide (Inesfly) expects that in the second half of the year, in June, it can be supplied again and applied in the 75,000 sewer traps in the city,” explains the newspaper.
The treatment for these pests lasts approximately one year and the last one was carried out in June 2024, so it would be within the established deadlines.
The last treatment with insecticide paint that was done in Valencia was in June 2024 and the durability of this compound is estimated at one year.
Another of the pests, mosquitoes, also shows a decrease in the number of warnings, in smaller quantity than cockroaches. The districts of the city that lead the number of alerts are still Poblats Marítims, with 23, and Quatre Carreres, with 21.