These days, the meteorological phenomenon known as DANA has severely affected the Valencian Community. Although the most extreme situations have already passed, instability is expected to continue and heavy rains may return.
Therefore, the AEMET, the State Meteorological Agency, has activated alerts until tomorrow Sunday in various parts of the Comunitat.
Both today and tomorrow, much of the province of Castellón is on maximum orange alert for heavy showers and storms. These could reach 100 liters of water per square meter on the north coast of Castellón.
The rain this afternoon will stop around 18h and from tomorrow early in the morning storms are expected throughout the day.

Valencia is on yellow alert, which will continue until tomorrow, for rain and storms. Storms are expected to start early Sunday morning and not cease until 18h, although the rain will continue until after midnight.
Except in the southern half, in the northern half of Alicante showers and storms are not ruled out as in Valencia and Castellón. Although an alarm has not been activated for today, it will be activated tomorrow morning until 15h.