Valencia will bless hundreds of animals this coming Friday, January 17 on the occasion of the feast of Sant Antoni del Porquet. From 11:15 in the morning, anyone can come to the parish of San Antonio Abad, in Sagunto Street, to receive the traditional baptism.
On Friday, January 17, the feast day of St. Anthony Abbot, the events will begin at 10:00 am with a Mass in honor of the patron saint.
At 11:15 am, the blessing and parade of animals will take place. The order of the parade will be as follows:
- Release of pigeons by the Falleras Mayores de València 2024.
- Public with pets.
- Local Police mounted in dress uniform.
- Solemn entrance of the Falleras Mayores de València and the Honorable Clavariesa de las Fiestas Vicentinas and the Queen of the floral games of Lo Rat Penat, in gala carriages escorted in front by the Local Police in dress uniform.
- Cavalry units of the National Police and cavalry squadron of the Civil Guard in full dress.
- Tabalet and dolçaina.
- Canine units of the Civil Guard, National Police, València Local Police and Military Emergency Unit.
- Crop-drawn carriages.
- Luxury harnesses and carriages.
- Equestrian and picadors.
- Amazons and riders.
- Public with domestic animals.
The Brotherhood of San Antonio Abad reminds that the public with domestic animals will parade at the beginning. Those arriving late will have to wait until the end of the parades to have access to the blessing.